
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Working Mom’s Struggle: Five Tips for Establishing Better Work-Life Balance

* Disclaimer: I use the term “working mom” to mean a woman who works a second full-time job in addition to the 24-7 job that is being a mother. My intention is not to say that stay-at-home-moms are not working moms; quite the opposite, in fact. I don’t know if I would have the patience or strength to stay home full time with my daughter, and I give huge props to the women who do it every day. You don’t have to be a working mom to struggle with work-life balance. Anyone with a demanding job and a busy schedule knows how difficult it can be to detach from work and make time for everything else in life. The thing about being a working mom, of course, is that when you leave work for the day, you head home to your second job--the more difficult job. Sometimes it can be challenging for me to give my daughter the interaction she needs after I’ve had a long day at work, and making the mental switch from work to home is a constant exercise in willpower. I don’t have an opportunity for “m...